Please note that students should arrive at their assigned stops five minutes before the scheduled morning pick-up time.
Morning Bus Route Information
Effective 08/26/2024- SUBJECT TO CHANGE – Our morning bus routes and pick-up times have changed. Please check the schedule! There may be a few minutes difference in times, so please plan to arrive at the bus stop a few minutes before the scheduled time.
Afternoon Bus Route Information
Effective 08/26/2024 – SUBJECT TO CHANGE – Our bus routes and pick-up times have changed. Please check the schedule! There may be a few minutes difference in times, so please plan to arrive at the bus stop a few minutes before the scheduled time.
School Closures
Pick-up and drop-off times may vary due to weather or other unavoidable circumstances.
Alternative Emergency Bus Route Information
Effective April 8th 2024, we will be on the alternate bus schedule until further notice.
Effective 08/26/2024 – SUBJECT TO CHANGE – Please note! This is a tentative schedule and subject to change.