Survey Work Supports Preservation and Legacy of Learning Land Project
Land Surveying Will:
- Accurately identify and mark property lines
- Identify legal easements
- Identify the stream and mark safety zones to protect and preserve the flow-through creek
The land survey work is part of a forest management plan recommendation from the Skamania School District Property Task Force. Recommendations include:
- Do not clear cut
- Do not sell
- Create a forest management plan
- Establish zones:
- Protected zone around community water source
- Learning lab
- Harvest area—conduct a selective harvest to improve the health of the property, provide a safe environment, and responsibly generate some revenue to support student education
- Use property as an education resource
Skamania School Board’s Survey Goal/Objectives:
Better understand the property’s landscape so that we can be good land stewards and create a legacy education property that can be used for student learning for years to come.
- Provide an educational benefit to school and area
- Provide responsible land management (including preventing forest/brush fires)
- Responsibly produce revenue for the school
Future plans for the Woodard Creek Road property include:
- Create an educational learning lab/outdoor classroom for Skamania School students
- Clear underbrush and manage invasive species to increase wildfire protection
- Plant new, root-rot resistant species in cleared area
Previous property preservation work with the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and Forest Service Management:
- Identified the access road location
- Identified and tagged unhealthy trees for harvest/ removal to support the growth of healthy surrounding trees
AKS Engineering & Forestry LLC will do the surveying.