Forest Management Work Supports Preservation and Legacy of Learning Land Project

Forest Management Work Includes:

  1. Establishment of no-harvest buffer zone to protect and preserve the flow-through water source
  2. Timber harvest of diseased trees to improve the health and safety of the property and create a small clearning for an outdoor learning lab
  3. Immediate reforestation of the harvested areas with native, disease-resistant species with assistance from Skamania School students
  4. Development of an access road onto the property that leads to the outdoor learning lab site
  5. Sale of timber to provide funding for construction

The timber harvest is part of the forest management plan created by HFI Consultants for the property:

  1. Clear route for access road from Woodard Creek Road on the northwest boundary into the northeast corner of the property
  2. Conduct a selective harvest to improve the health of property by addressing areas of root rot that are creating a hazard to the surrounding properties
    • Zone 1 (northwest corner): 3.6 acres
    • Zone 2 (northeast corner): 9.8 acres
  3. Zone 2 harvest area incorporates small clearing for outdoor learning lab site

Skamania School Board’s Goal/ Objectives for Property:

Better understand the property’s landscape so that we can be good land stewards and create a legacy education property that can be used for student learning for years to come.

  1. Provide an educational benefit to school and area
  2. Provide responsible land management (including preventing forest/brush fires)
  3. Responsibly produce revenue for the school

Future plans for the Woodard Creek Road property include:

  1. Clear underbrush and manage invasive species to increase wildfire protection
  2. Create an educational learning lab/outdoor classroom for Skamania School students

HFI Consultants will be managing the project.

  • TIMEFRAME: Winter/Early Spring 2021
  • DURATION: Approximately Four Weeks

PROCESS: Must complete survey by Nov. 16:

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