Due to the retirement of Superintendent Milt Dennison, the Skamania School Board is in the process of filling his position for the 2025-26 School Year. As a part of the process, the Board is seeking input from the public on the desirable qualifications and qualities they should consider when selecting the next superintendent.

Here are the options the Board has established for receiving public input.

Thursday, March 20—March School Board Meeting

  • Attend the meeting in person—During the public comment section, share with the Board your recommendations on the important qualifications and qualities they should consider during the selection process
  • Attend the meeting remotely—All regular board meetings are conducted using Google Meets. You can use this link to join the meeting: http://meet.google.com/vxj-vadj-rmw. The public comment section is early on the agenda so try to tune in shortly after 6:30 PM.

Send an email

  • Anytime Before March 20—Send your comments to Amber Warren at awarren@skamania.k12.wa.us and she will forward them on to the Board.

Thank-you for your input,
Skamania School Board Members