Dear Skamania Parents,

I have a couple of announcements. First, good news… our food program started today! Breakfast and lunch are now available free of charge for all students. We are thrilled that our newly hired cook, Serena Glasear, was able to get all the arrangements ready to start serving food again so quickly.

I recently sent you an email regarding potential staff shortages related to compliance with the COVID 19 state requirements and/or general staff shortages. In order to minimize the impact on student’s schedules, we are making some changes to ensure the safety of students and staff.

  • Our TK/K students are now being taught by Jessica Shumway and Darla Davidson, Mrs. Davidson has been with the children from the beginning of the year. Mrs. Shumway is a substitute teacher. We are sending introduction information home today in children’s backpacks.

Until further notice, our students in grades 1 through 8 are being taught by an enthusiastic and experienced team of educators. The team includes:

  • Stephanie Ober, Chris Selcer, Carol Kelly, Camille Schauble, and Denisha Dilley. All are getting additional technical support from Vickei Hrdina, from ESD 112, a regional educational center.
  • I appreciate your patience and understanding as we do our best to keep school open and in person with minimal disruption.

As you know, change can be challenging for anyone, especially young people. Our world has faced many continuous changes since the start of the pandemic. Be on the lookout for the possibility of different behaviors in your child because of the challenge of continuous change. Please be patient and talk with your child(ren) to help them understand what is happening and to let them know that you are taking on these challenges together. Chris Selcer, our new counselor, is also available to help support these conversations.

And finally, another good piece of news. In the near future, we will have the capability to provide COVID testing for students onsite at the school. More information to come regarding this update.

If you have any questions, please feel free to call.

Dr. Ralph Pruitt
Skamania School Superintendent