1. Practice Hand Washing

Have them wash their hands often throughout the day. Teach them to sing their ABCs or have them count for at least 20 seconds ensuring they wash front, back and in-between their fingers.

2. Practice Putting Mask On/Off

Your child will be required to wear a mask on the bus, upon entering school, and within the hallways. Teach them to not touch the inside of their mask when taking it off.

3. Make/Purchase Extra Masks

When possible, cloth masks should only be used one day, then washed. Consider making or buying multiple masks to give you proper time to wash them between use.

4. Practice 6 feet of Distance

Measure the distance on the floor. Consider laying pieces of paper down so your child can see what 6 feet, apart looks like.

5. Purchase a Thermometer

Check your child’s temperature every morning. If 100.4 or higher, they must stay home until fever and COVID-like symptom free for 10 days since initial symptoms began.

6. Update Immunizations

Medically verified immunizations will be required on or before the first day of school. Contact your child’s doctor for an appointment.

7. Change Asthma Medication

Nebulizers may not be able to be administered in school. Speak with your child’s doctor to update your child’s asthma plan.

8. Purchase Reusable Water Bottle

These can be brought to school as water fountains may not be in service.

9. Verify/Update Emergency Contacts

If your child presents with COVID-like symptoms, they will be placed in an isolation room and will need to be picked up immediately. Please ensure a contact can be reached at any given time.

10. Stay Informed

Educate yourself from reliable sources such as the CDC, Washington Department of Health, and your local health department.

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