Jan 14, 2020 | Superintendent News
Dear Skamania Community, On February 11, patrons will have an opportunity to vote on the Skamania School District funding measure to replace our current levy. This local funding provides approximately 12% of our district’s operating budget, which includes expenses...
Dec 17, 2019 | School News, Superintendent News
Dear Parents, I am pleased to announce that the Skamania School Board approved a new pilot preschool program. This preschool program is called transitional kindergarten (TK) and is for children who are four and/or five years old, who may not have access to...
Nov 7, 2019 | Health & Safety, Lead in Water
Dear Families, I am writing to share good news about our water samples at Skamania School. We were fortunate to receive a $200,000 competitive Urgent Repair grant from Washington State to resolve issues related to lead pipes. This summer all pipes were replaced and...
Aug 23, 2019 | Upcoming Events
Do you remember the eruption of Mount St Helens? Well, I bet you definitely remember the 2017 Eagle Creek Fire that tore through OUR gorge. Have you wondered how you can prepare for any significant disaster? Do you live in the western part of Skamania County? If so,...
Aug 20, 2019 | School News, Superintendent News
The beginning of the 2019-20 school year is quickly approaching! I hope everyone has been enjoying the summer. Our school staff is looking forward to a new school year filled with opportunities to learn, grow, and have fun. Last year we said good-bye to Mrs. Miller...
Jun 28, 2019 | School News, STEM News
“A garden is a grand teacher. It teaches patience and careful watchfulness; it teaches industry and thrift; above all it teaches entire trust.” —British horticulturist, Gertrude Jekyll Now in its second year, the Skamania School garden—a joint project with the PTO—has...
Jun 26, 2019 | School News
For 36 years, Barbara Miller commuted from Portland to teach at Skamania School. “It’s 35 miles, door to door,” she says. “Forty minutes.” Certainly there were closer schools, but Skamania is special. “I like the community, the small school, the feeling of family,”...
Apr 9, 2019 | Health & Safety, Lead in Water
Skamania School, built in 1946, is an aging building with few upgrades in the last 50 years. One of the challenges of an old building is the aging pipes and fixtures. These pipes appear to be causing elevated levels of lead in some locations of our water system. We...
Feb 26, 2019 | STEM News, Superintendent News
Community well will be maintained A $20,000 STEM Lighthouse grant awarded to Skamania School District for the 2018-19 school year will support outdoor learning and teaching plans for its long-held 38-acre piece of property. “Our idea is to develop it into an outdoor...
Feb 25, 2019 | Superintendent News
When you go to school in a National Scenic Area, the opportunities for field study are endless. In addition to our efforts to establish an outdoor education lab on district property (cover), Skamania’s students and teachers are taking this year’s motto—“The Gorge is...
Feb 21, 2019 | STEM News, Upcoming Events
Skamania is a small school with a big vision: to integrate STEM—science, technology, engineering and math—studies throughout its curriculum and to share strategies to support other small, rural schools statewide. The Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction...